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F. Martínez-Ruiz, A. Paytan, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, F. Jroundi, M. Abad, P. Lam, T. Horner
M. Kastner,
"Barite precipitation on suspended organic matter in the mesopelagic zone", "Frontiers in Earth Science"
, vol.8, 1-17, 2020
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda
M.F. Martínez Moreno,
"Molecular Binding of EuIII/CmIII by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica and Its Impact on the Safety of Future Geodisposal of Radioactive Waste", "Environmental Science & Technology"
, vol.54, 15180-15190, 2020
F. Jroundi, K. Elert, E.M. Ruiz-Agudo, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz
C.M. Rodríguez Navarro,
"Bacterial Diversity Evolution in Maya Plaster and Stone Following a Bio-ConservationTreatment", "Frontiers in Microbiology"
, vol.11, 1-16, 2020
A. Peigneux Navarro, F. Oltolina, D. Colangelo, G.R. Iglesias Salto, A.V. Delgado Mora, M. Prat
C. Jiménez Lopez,
"Functionalized Biomimetic Magnetic Nanoparticles as Effective Nanocarriers for Targeted Chemotherapy", "Particle and Particle Systems Characterization"
, 1900057-, 2019
C. Povedano Priego, F. Jroundi, M. López Fernández, I. Sánchez Castro, I. Martín-Sánchez, F.J. Huertas
M.L. Merroun,
"Shifts in bentonite bacterial community and mineralogy in response to uranium and glycerol-2-phosphate exposure", "Science of the Total Environment"
, vol.692, 239-292, 2019
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, J. Gómez Bolívar, J. Delgado-Martín, M.D.M. Abad Ortega, I.M. Guerra-Tschuschke
M.L. Merroun,
"The Bioreduction of Selenite under Anaerobic and Alkaline Conditions Analogous to Those Expected for a Deep Geological Repository System", "Molecules"
, vol.24, 3868-, 2019
F. Martínez-Ruiz, A. Paytan, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, F. Jroundi, M.M. Abad, P.J. Lam, J.K.B. Bishop, T.J. Horner, P.L. Morton
M. Kastner,
"Barite formation in the ocean: Origin of amorphous and crystalline precipitates", "Chemical Geology"
, vol.511, 441-451, 2019
M. López Fernández, M. Romero-Gonzalez, A. Günther, P.L. Solari
M.L. Merroun,
"Effect of U(VI) aqueous speciation on the binding of uranium by the cell surface of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, a natural yeast isolate from bentonites", "Chemosphere"
, vol.199, 351-360, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024