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K. Elert, F. Jroundi, C. Benavides Reyes, E. Correa-Gomez, D. Gulotta
C.M. Rodríguez Navarro,
"Consolidation of clay-rich earthen building materials: A comparative study at the Alhambra fortress (Spain)", "Journal of Building Engineering"
, vol.50, 104081-, 2022
M. Rabelo-Ruíz, A.M. Newman Portela, J.M. Peralta Sánchez, A.M. Martin Platero, M.D.M. Agraso, L. Bermúdez, M.A. Aguinaga-Casañas, A. Baños Arjona, M. Maqueda-Abreu, M.D.E. Valdivia-Martínez
M. Martínez Bueno,
"Beneficial Shifts in the Gut Bacterial Community of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Juveniles Supplemented with Allium-Derived Compound Propyl Propane Thiosulfonate (PTSO)", "Animals"
, vol.12, 1821-, 2022
C. Povedano Priego, F. Jroundi, M. López Fernández, M. Morales Hidalgo, I. Sánchez-Martin, F.J. Huertas, M. Dopson
M.L. Merroun,
"Impact of anoxic conditions, uranium(VI) and organic phosphate substrate on the biogeochemical potential of the indigenous bacterial community of bentonite", "Applied Clay Science"
, vol.216, 1-15, 2022
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, E. Jiménez Contreras, C. Ruiz-Fresneda
R. Ruiz-Pérez,
"Bibliometric Analysis of International Scientific Production on Pharmacologic Treatments for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 During 2020", "Frontiers in Public Health"
, vol.9, -2166, 2022
I. Sánchez Castro
P. Martínez Rodríguez,
"Uranium removal from complex mining waters by alginate beads doped with cells of Stenotrophomonas sp. Br8: Novel perspectives for metal bioremediation", "Journal of Environmental Management"
, -, 2021
M. Pinel Cabello, V. Chapon, M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, B. Alpha-Bazin, C. Berthomieu, J. Armengaud
M.L. Merroun,
"Delineation of cellular stages and identification of key proteins for reduction and biotransformation of Se (IV) by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica BII-R7", "Journal of Hazardous Materials"
, vol.418, 126150-, 2021
K. Elert, E.M. Ruiz-Agudo, F. Jroundi, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, B.W. Fasch, W.L. Fash, N. Valentin, A. De Tagle
C.M. Rodríguez Navarro,
"Degradation of ancient Maya carved tuff stone at Copan and its bacterial bioconservation", "npj Materials Degradation"
, vol.5, 1-44, 2021
C.A. García-Campoy, P. Martínez Rodríguez
A. Puerta-Vílchez,
"La Raja de los Púlpitos (Dúrcal-Granada)", "Mundo Subterráneo"
, vol.6, 84-92, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024