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K. Elert, F. Jroundi, C. Benavides Reyes, E. Correa-Gomez, D. Gulotta and C.M. Rodríguez Navarro,  "Consolidation of clay-rich earthen building materials: A comparative study at the Alhambra fortress (Spain)", "Journal of Building Engineering" , vol.50, 104081-, 2022
M. Rabelo-Ruíz, A.M. Newman Portela, J.M. Peralta Sánchez, A.M. Martin Platero, M.D.M. Agraso, L. Bermúdez, M.A. Aguinaga-Casañas, A. Baños Arjona, M. Maqueda-Abreu, M.D.E. Valdivia-Martínez and M. Martínez Bueno,  "Beneficial Shifts in the Gut Bacterial Community of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Juveniles Supplemented with Allium-Derived Compound Propyl Propane Thiosulfonate (PTSO)", "Animals" , vol.12, 1821-, 2022
C. Povedano Priego, F. Jroundi, M. López Fernández, M. Morales Hidalgo, I. Sánchez-Martin, F.J. Huertas, M. Dopson and M.L. Merroun,  "Impact of anoxic conditions, uranium(VI) and organic phosphate substrate on the biogeochemical potential of the indigenous bacterial community of bentonite", "Applied Clay Science" , vol.216, 1-15, 2022
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, E. Jiménez Contreras, C. Ruiz-Fresneda and R. Ruiz-Pérez,  "Bibliometric Analysis of International Scientific Production on Pharmacologic Treatments for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 During 2020", "Frontiers in Public Health" , vol.9, -2166, 2022
I. Sánchez Castro and P. Martínez Rodríguez,  "Uranium removal from complex mining waters by alginate beads doped with cells of Stenotrophomonas sp. Br8: Novel perspectives for metal bioremediation", "Journal of Environmental Management" , -, 2021
M. Pinel Cabello, V. Chapon, M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, B. Alpha-Bazin, C. Berthomieu, J. Armengaud and M.L. Merroun,  "Delineation of cellular stages and identification of key proteins for reduction and biotransformation of Se (IV) by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica BII-R7", "Journal of Hazardous Materials" , vol.418,  126150-, 2021
K. Elert, E.M. Ruiz-Agudo, F. Jroundi, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, B.W. Fasch, W.L. Fash, N. Valentin, A. De Tagle and C.M. Rodríguez Navarro,  "Degradation of ancient Maya carved tuff stone at Copan and its bacterial bioconservation", "npj Materials Degradation" , vol.5, 1-44, 2021
C.A. García-Campoy, P. Martínez Rodríguez and A. Puerta-Vílchez,  "La Raja de los Púlpitos (Dúrcal-Granada)", "Mundo Subterráneo" , vol.6, 84-92, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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