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M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, G. Lazúen López, L. Staicu
M.L. Merroun,
"Allotropy of selenium nanoparticles: Colourful transition, synthesis, and biotechnological applications.", "Microbial Biotechnology"
, vol.00, 1-16, 2023
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, M.F. Martínez Moreno, C. Povedano Priego, M. Morales Hidalgo, F. Jroundi
M.L. Merroun,
"Impact of microbial processes on the safety of deep geological repositories for radioactive waste", "Frontiers in Microbiology"
, vol.14, 1134078-, 2023
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, M.V. Fernandez-Cantos, J. Gómez, A. Eswayah, P. Gardiner, M. Pinel Cabello, P.L. Solari
M.L. Merroun,
"Combined bioreduction and volatilization of SeVI by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica: Formation of trigonal selenium nanorods and methylated species", "Science of the Total Environment"
, vol.858, 160030-, 2023
P. Martínez Rodríguez "Effect of different phosphate sources on uranium biomineralization by the Microbacterium sp. Be9 strain: A multidisciplinary approach study", "Frontiers in Microbiology"
, -, 2023
Y. Spairani-Berrio, J.A. Huesca-Tortosa, C.M. Rodríguez Navarro, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz
F. Jroundi,
"Bioconsolidation of Damaged Construction Calcarenites and Evaluation of the Improvement in Their Petrophysical and Mechanical Properties", "Materials"
, vol.16, 1-18, 2023
C.M. Rodríguez Navarro, F. Jroundi, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz
K. Elert,
"Consolidación de la piedra con bacterias", "Revista PH"
, vol.110, 252-267, 2023
C. Povedano Priego, F. Jroundi, M. López Fernández, M. Morales Hidalgo, I. Sánchez-Martin, F.J. Huertas, M. Dopson
M.L. Merroun,
"Impact of anoxic conditions, uranium(VI) and organic phosphate substrate on the biogeochemical potential of the indigenous bacterial community of bentonite", "Applied Clay Science"
, vol.216, 1-15, 2022
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda, E. Jiménez Contreras, C. Ruiz-Fresneda
R. Ruiz-Pérez,
"Bibliometric Analysis of International Scientific Production on Pharmacologic Treatments for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 During 2020", "Frontiers in Public Health"
, vol.9, -2166, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024