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A.I. Calero Castillo, T. López Martínez, A. García-Bueno, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz and V.J. Medina Florez,  "Ensayos de consolidación en los revestimientos murales del Conjunto Arqueológico de Castulo (Linares, Jaén)", "Ge-Conservación: Publicación Digital Hispano-Lusa de Conservación y Restauración" , 31-43, 2016
H. Nudelman, C. Valverde Tercedor, S. Kolusheva, M. Widdrat, N. Grimberg, H. Levi, O. Nelkenbaum, G. Davidov, D. Faivre and R. Zarivach,  "Structure function studies of the magnetite-biomineralizing magnetosome-associated protein MamC", "Journal of Structural Biology" , vol.194, 244-252, 2016
H. Nudelman, C. Valverde-Tercedor, S. Kolusheva, T. Pérez González, M. Widdrat, N. Grimbreg, H. Levi, O. Nelkenbaum, G. Davidov, D. Faivre, C. Jiménez-López and R. Zavirach,  "Structure-function studies of the magnetite-biomineralizing magnetosome-associated protein MamC ", "Journal of Structural Biology" , vol.194, 244-252, 2016
M.L. Merroun "Combined use of flow cytometry and microscopy to study the interactions between the gram-negative betaproteobacterium Acidovorax facilis and uranium(VI)", "Journal of Hazardous Materials" , vol.317, 127-134, 2016
A. Peigneux Navarro, C. Valverde-Tercedor, R. Lopez-Moreno, T. Pérez González, M.A. Fernández Vivas and C. Jiménez Lopez,  "Learning from magnetotactic bacteria: A review on the synthesis of biomimetic nanoparticles mediated by magnetosome-associated proteins", "Journal of Structural Biology" , vol.196, 75-84, 2016
M. Calvo-Polanco, I. Sánchez Castro, M. Cantos-Barragán, J.L. García, R. Azcón-González De Aguilar, C. Beuzón-López and R. Aroca-Álvarez,  "Effects of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal backgrounds and soils on olive plants growth and water relation properties under well-watered and drought conditions.", "Plant, Cell and Environment" , vol.39, 2498-2514, 2016
E. Firlar, T. Pérez González, A. Olszewska, D. Faivre and T. Prozorov ,  "Following iron speciation in the early stages of magnetite magnetosome biomineralization (Review)", "Journal of Materials Research" , vol.31, 547-555, 2016
Pereira, L.C. Maia, I. Sánchez Castro, E.J. Palenzuela-Jiménez, D.K.A.D. Silva, R. Sudová, Z. Kola¿íková, J. Rydlová, M. ¿tvrtlíková, B.T. Goto, G.A. Silva and F. Oehl,  "Acaulospora papillosa, a new mycorrhizal fungus from NE Brazil, and Acaulospora rugosa from Norway", "Phytotaxa" , vol.260, 14-24, 2016

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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