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C.M. Rodríguez Navarro, F. Jroundi, M. Schiro , E.M. Ruiz-Agudo and M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz,  "Influence of Substrate Mineralogy on Bacterial Mineralization of Calcium Carbonate: Implications for Stone Conservation", "Applied and Environmental Microbiology" , vol.78, 4017-4029, 2012
M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, F. Martínez-Ruiz, F. Morcillo, J.D. Martin-Ramos, A. Paytan and M. Ortega Huertas,  "Precipitation of barite by marine bacteria: a possible mechanism for marine barite formation", "Geology (Boulder)" , vol.40, 675-678, 2012
F. Jroundi, P.M. Gómez-Suaga, C. Jiménez Lopez, M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz and M.A. Fernández Vivas,  "Stone-isolated carbonatogenic bacteria as inoculants in bioconsolidation treatments for historical limestone", "Science of the Total Environment" , vol.425, 89-98, 2012
C. Jiménez-López, C. Rodríguez-Navarro, A. Rodriguez -Navarro, T. Pérez González, D. Bazylinski , H. Lauer and C. Romanek,  "Signatures in magnetites formed by (Ca,Mg,Fe)CO 3 thermal decomposition: Terrestrial and extraterrestrial implications", "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta" , vol.87, 69-80, 2012
J. Bartolomé, F. Bartolomé, G. L. M., A.I. Figueroa, A. Repollés, M.J. Martínez-Pérez, F. Luis, C. Magén, S. Selenska-Pobell, F. Pobell , T. Reitz, R. Schönemann, T. Herrmannsdörfer, M.L. Merroun, A. Geissler, F. Wilhelm and A.R. A. Rogalev,  "Strong Paramagnetism of Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on a Sulfolobus acidocaldarius S Layer", "Physical Review Letters" , vol.109, 247203-1-247203-5, 2012
F. Oehl, J. Palenzuela, I. Sánchez Castro, P. Kuss, E. Sieverding and G. Alves Da Silva,  "Acaulospora nivalis, a new fungus in the Glomeromycetes, characteristic for high alpine and nival altitudes of the Swiss Alps", "Nova Hedwigia" , vol.95, 105-122, 2012
I. Sánchez Castro, N. Ferrol-González and J.M. Barea-Navarro,  "Analyzing the community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing the roots of representative shrubland species in a Mediterranean ecosystem", "Journal of Arid Environments" , vol.80, 1-9, 2012
F. Jroundi, P. Gómez-Suaga, C. Jiménez-López, M.T. Gonzalez-Muñoz and M.A. Fernandez-Vivas,  "Stone-isolated carbonatogenic bacteria as inoculants in bioconsolidation treatments for historical limestone", "Science of the Total Environment" , vol.425, 89-98, 2012

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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