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F. Jroundi, F. Martínez-Ruiz, M.L. Merroun
M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz,
"Exploring bacterial community composition in Mediterranean deep-sea sediments and their role in heavy metal accumulation", Science of the Total Environment, vol.712
, 1-19, 2020
I. Sánchez Castro
P. Martínez Rodríguez,
"High-efficient microbial immobilization of solved U (VI) by the Stenotrophomonas strain Br8", Water Research
, -, 2020
M. López Fernández, F. Jroundi, M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda
M.L. Merroun,
"Microbial interaction with and tolerance of radionuclides: underlying mechanisms and biotechnological applications", Microbial Biotechnology
, -, 2020
M.Á. Ruiz Fresneda
M.F. Martínez Moreno,
"Molecular Binding of EuIII/CmIII by Stenotrophomonas bentonitica and Its Impact on the Safety of Future Geodisposal of Radioactive Waste", Environmental Science & Technology, vol.54
, 15180-15190, 2020
F. Jroundi, M. Descostes, C. Povedano Priego, I. Sánchez Castro, V. Suvannagan, P. Grizard
M.L. Merroun,
"Profiling native aquifer bacteria in a uranium roll-front deposit and their role in biogeochemical cycle dynamics: Insights regarding in situ recovery mining", Science of the Total Environment, vol.721
, 137758-, 2020
M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz
"Respetar la Memoria, conservar el futuro", "CIENCIA, CIUDAD Y CAMBIO", 71-75, 2019
F. Martínez-Ruiz, A. Paytan , M.T. Gonzalez Muñoz, F. Jroundi, M.D.M. Abad Ortega, P. Lam, J. Bishop, T. Horner, P.L. Morton
M. Kastner,
"Mechanisms of pelagic barite precipitation", "Goldschmidt international conference on geochemistry and related subjects of the European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society2019", None-None, 2019
M. Morales Hidalgo, M. Cano-Cano, M.L. Merroun
I. Martín-Sánchez,
"Potencial de hongos aislados de bentonitas en el biorremedio de Selenio y Teluro.", "XXVIII Congreso SEM", None-None, 2019
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024